How do I become a Freemason?
To Be One, Ask One
Firstly, it is important to make it clear that there are a number of qualifications required of any man contemplating joining Freemasonry, which are not negotiable. Candidates for Freemasonry are to be of the age of 18 years or more and must have a firm belief in a supreme being. A mans religion is not relevant and Freemasons lodges embrace Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs etc into its membership. Part of the Masonic teaching is directed to encouraging Masons to follow the practice of their chosen faith to the utmost of their ability, so without a belief in a God it is not possible to follow the teachings of Freemasonry.
It is also essential that prospective members be of good character and free from conviction of a felony. Freemasonry prides itself on making good men better men and the whole Masonic structure is based on complete trust among its members.
It is most important that every candidate for Freemasonry has the full support of his partner and family. Contrary to popular belief, the ladies and family of Freemasons are encouraged to have a productive input into the fraternity and without their support and interest, modern Freemasonry could not survive.
Many men become Freemasons because there is a family tradition - son follows father into the same Lodge. But for others, an approach has to be made. It was long thought that a candidate had to be asked to join, but this is not the case, the only way to become a Freemason is to ask, if you are waiting to be invited you may wait forever!
If you feel that you would like to take part in Masonic activities, then the following may help you to attain that desire.
If you have a family member who is a Freemason, ask him.
If you don't have a family connection, is there someone who you meet through sports activities, business, social contacts, who you think may be a Freemason? Ask him.
If you don't believe you know anyone, it is likely that you do and just unaware that he is a member of the Craft. You should contact Lodge Lauriston via our secretary, whose details appear on our "Contact Us" tab on this web site. Again, the answer is - ask him.
However the introduction is made, the procedure for joining Lodge Lauriston 72 T.C. is the same for any candidate and you will require a Proposer and Seconder, both of whom have known you for a period of time. These "sponsors" must be aware of their responsibility in this matter, and their acquaintance with you must be of such a nature that they can, by their personal knowledge, vouch that you are a man of good reputation and integrity and well fitted to become a member of their Lodge. There is no minimum period for a Candidate to be known to his Sponsors - it is the extent of the knowledge which is important, however, unless special dispensation is received from the Grand Lodge of Tasmania, a candidate should have resided in Tasmania for a minimum of two years.
You will be required to complete an application form, and this is countersigned by both the Proposer and Seconder. In the form, you will be required to confirm that you have not been convicted of any offence. If there is an indiscretion in your past, this may not preclude you joining, but full disclosure of the details must be given.
This form is submitted to Lodge Lauriston 72 T.C. The Lodge will call a committee meeting of past Masters of the Lodge to interview you. Your Proposer and Seconder will both be present. You will be required to satisfy this committee that you believe in a supreme being; that you understand the commitment to attend meetings of the Lodge; your financial commitments; that your family are supportive of your application; and of your earnest desire to become a Freemason. You will be asked many questions to elicit such matters, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions yourself. The committee will consider your application in due form.
If their conclusion is positive, the Lodge will then submit your application to the Grand Lodge of Tasmania for registration. Once approved, your application will be announced at the next meeting of the Lodge. The details are then included on the Notice Paper for the subsequent meeting, at which a ballot of all the members present, will be taken. If this is successful, then a date will be set for the initiation. This may take several months to complete, depending upon the meeting dates of the Lodge.
Information on Freemasonry in Tasmania in general can be obtained by contacting:
Masonic Grand Secretary.
Grand Lodge of Tasmania.
3 Sandy Bay Road.
Telephone: 03 6223 5814 (Office Hours)
Fax: 03 6223 8159